VENN Files Patent for Solubilization Technology
Venn Skincare has filed an international patent to allow it to water solubilise its Ginsenoside Compound K, which is claimed to deliver powerful anti-ageing benefits.
Compound K is one of the key ingredients in Venn Skincare’s product Age-Reversing All-In-One Concentrate, which eliminates the need for numerous products such as toners, serums, ampoules, creams and oils.
With the international patent, Venn Skincare is able to dissolve Compound K into a water-solubilised mixture that can provide anti-ageing properties with appropriate absorbency rate.
“Being able to incorporate Compound K into our skincare formulas truly sets VENN Skincare apart in the marketplace.”
Ginsenoside Compound K is obtained from the bio-conversion of ginseng saponin, which is one of the bioactive components of ginseng, using micro-organism fermentation.
Compound K is said to promote collagen synthesis, combat active oxygen and free radicals, elastase inhibition and reduce the appearance of wrinkles by improving skin elasticity and firmness.
VENN Skincare CEO and founder Brian Oh said: “Being able to incorporate Compound K into our skincare formulas truly sets VENN Skincare apart in the marketplace.
“Our solubilisation technology, which is one of the three key technologies that constitute VENN Skincare’s proprietary Concentric Technology, allows us to bring to consumers Compound K and many other natural ingredients that are very difficult to use effectively in skincare formulas due to their low solubility.”
Read full article here.